Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Statement of Purpose

I have been a long time reader, first time blogger, following tabletop wargaming blogs and, more specifically, those with a focus on Warhammer 40k, of such caliber as From The Warp, Corbania Prime, Dave Taylor Miniatures, and others. If you have not yet seen these blogs or do not have them on your follow list, you can find them here:
However, I have not owned an army of my own for some time, since having played Warhammer 40k while the 4th edition rules where still in rotation. Because of this, I was apprehensive to start a blog as I began to again collect a tabletop army for Warhammer 40k, but came to the conclusion that it would be best to start a blog right where my army starts.

At the spear point.

This blog is to document that, along with my own meanderings of or about the aspects of collecting for and playing Warhammer 40k, the Warhammer 40k universe in any of its other mediums, or wargamming in generalities, and anything else which may find its way.

Start with the left foot...

What a terrible time to have started a blog.

This is the second edition of my own blog, as the first was started on the afternoon of a day blogger went down the following night of, and stayed down for some time. When it had come back, my blog was lost.

So here we are once more. The first time I had titled the initial post, "The first post is always the hardest..." At least this time I had more of a topic to post of.