Friday, June 3, 2011

Getting Started

Just picked up an Imperial Guard Battle Force and put in an order at Forge World, and I have some bits inbound from eBay. Once all orders have arrived, I should have some models to show.


  1. Coolness. Which style Medusa are you going with?

  2. The Vanaheim Pattern Medusa from Forge World. I believe the Medusa, like the Griffons (also from Forge World), will be one of the last if not the last units I pick up for this army, however.

    Do you know of any other models out there?

  3. I think there's also the armageddon pattern Medusa. Or if you're crazy into scratch-building you can do something like this:

  4. I am a bit too novice to do anything on that scale. Great looking model, though. Good work there.
